God's Got Us

God has repeatedly proven that He knows what we need and that we can trust Him to provide it as we seek first His Kingdom and righteousness (Matthew 6:33). God has built Sonrise through a faithful team of financial partners. These behind-the-scenes heroes play a vital role in making this ministry happen. Keep reading if you'd like to join this team.



Use the Give Online button above to make a one time gift or set up a recurring donation.

By Check

Send check:

Sonrise Mountain Ranch
1670 County Road 858
Cimarron, CO 81220

The Fine Print

Retreat fees cover approximately 25% of our annual operating expenses. The rest is funded through donations.

If you wish to participate financially, one-time or monthly donations can be made using one of the methods above.

Sonrise Mountain Ranch is recognized as a nonprofit ministry and a 501(c)3 charitable organization. All contributions and gifts are tax deductible under the appropriate IRS codes. End of year receipts are provided for tax purposes.

Sonrise Mountain Ranch is committed to financial stewardship that brings honor to the name and cause of Christ.