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The Tools
A “destination” statement to provide a personal, daily, actionable vision for the life you are aiming for.
A calendar to help you “Schedule First What Matters Most” and serve as a habit tracker for your priority commitments each week.
A personalized plan to “manage” your technology instead of “being managed” by it and your strategy to carefully aim your attention.
A vetting tool to help you keep your “YES under glass” and make decisions in light of your priorities as you face the continual expectations, requests, and demands of daily life.
A list of self-selected questions to help you navigate through life in light of wisdom from God and what you’ve determined is most important to you.
What people say about it

The problem with being genuinely lost is you don't know which way to turn to make it home. "The View From The Rocking Chair" was a powerful beacon to guide my life in a direction that I wanted to go, but lacked the focus and tools to get there. By God's grace, you can look back after reading and applying the principles and feel the satisfaction that you have made decisions you won't ever regret.
Jason Yeager
It is an incredibly valuable resource to anyone who DOES NOT want to find themselves old and near death, regretting their decisions, yet having no recourse. Simply put, "The View From The Rocking Chair" reminds and encourages us to be proactive and thoughtful in how we choose to live our lives.
Chyril Taylor
Second to the Bible, the message and instruction in "The View From The Rocking Chair" is the best resource I have seen, and it has given me clarity and practical strategies to focus on what matters the most in life. It has made an immeasurable impact on our family!
Jeremy Kilpatrick
Matt McGee and his wife Chantal live out this message with their own family. The View from the Rocking Chair guides you and your family to a passionate life fully focused on the mission God has intended for your family to live. I read this book every year and lead couples’ Bible studies and small groups through it with great results.
Kathy Carnahan
After countless small group studies, The View from the Rocking Chair has had the biggest impact on our family. It provides an incredible roadmap for stepping into God’s design for family. We love the practical techniques and suggestions that we can implement in a way that prioritizes what matters most in our family: having a kingdom vision. We have walked more intentionally into relationship with each other and with our Creator as a result.
Mary Drakulich
At a time when my career overshadowed the needs and value of my family, this book provided the clarity and perspective I desperately needed. With endless distractions and ever-demanding schedules, prioritizing our relationships deliberately has never been more crucial. But with God’s help, success is possible—and The View from the Rocking Chair can serve as a compass to show you the way.
Travis Mark
At the time that I was introduced to The View from the Rocking Chair, I was, like so many people I know, 100% focused on my career and climbing the corporate ladder while my family paid the price. I was able to justify the limited time with my family by looking at the “lifestyle” I was providing for them. After reading the book, I shifted my priorities and started focusing on what really matters most. My relationships with God, family and friends, and everything in my life have flourished, including my career! This is a must-read for everyone!!
Mike Gregory
My husband and I first read The View from the Rocking Chair with our church small group when our firstborn was still very young. It was such a gift to be introduced to this perspective on the front end of our parenting journey to help point us in the right direction! Nine years and two additional kids later, we have revisited this book’s wisdom many times and continue to “course correct” as needed.
Amanda Clonts
The View from the Rocking Chair empowered our family to make subtle changes with dramatic results. Matt’s powerful perspective is a gift of inspired wisdom and encouragement, certain to impact your life and focus for the benefit of your family, your marriage, and relationships.
Doug Witmer

Group Study Guide
Read this book with your spouse, a friend or a small group. Each chapter includes personal review and discussion questions at the end of the chapter.
Here are two reading plans:
15-Week or 15-Session Plan
Read one chapter each week (or session) and answer the review/discussion questions before the meeting. Discuss answers to the questions and any exercises in the chapter during the meeting.
6-Week or 6-Session Plan
This plan may be preferable for groups that meet once or twice a month. Read the designated chapters and answer the review discussion questions before each meeting. Discuss selected questions and key exercises in the chapter(s) during the meeting.
About the Author
Matt McGee is the director of Sonrise Mountain Ranch, a Christian family retreat center in Colorado.
After serving as an Air Force pilot for several years, Matt received a Master of Divinity from Denver Seminary.
Matt and Chantal McGee have lived in Cimarron, Colorado since 2004 have seven children: Maddison, Abby Grace, Rebekah, Eden, Zeke, Vivian Joy and Colson.